"How Are You?" - The Question No One Knows How To Answer Right Now


"How Are You?" - The Question No One Knows How To Answer Right Now

Previously, “How are you?” seemed like a fairly innocuous question. Usually the phrase serves as a synonym for hello or hi. Not in 2020. Today, a simple “hello, how are you?” has become a loaded question. In more predictable times, this question might receive an automatic “good” and then the conversation moves on to something else. Now, the question is much more complicated. What would happen if you answered it honestly? If you are struggling right now, it’s okay. Don’t be afraid to let your loved ones know it.

There isn’t a single person on the planet who has not been affected in some way by COVID-19. Everyone is having to give up something or shift their routines  that may bring them comfort or security. Would it be helpful to openly talk about it? No one person’s problems are more important than another’s. During this time, no one is burdening another with their issues. Share your struggles, discuss ways you have been learning to adjust and try to find inspiration from others’ experiences. We’re all in this together. 

If you’re unemployed, you’re far from alone. Talk about it, tell people what you’re going through in filing for unemployment. They may be in the same place you are soon, and it will be helpful to know what to expect. If you’ve had to cancel a major event such as a wedding or religious ceremony, talk about what has gone into that, inspire people to take the situation more seriously in order to avoid future sacrifices of the same nature. 

It’s okay to not be okay. That’s true at all times, but now in particular. Everyone is struggling in some way, and it helps to talk about it to know we aren’t alone. When someone asks “How are you?” make that the whole conversation, not just the beginning.