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5 Somatic Techniques for Self-Soothing

Written by Seth Taylor, ALMFT

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of tranquility can seem like a challenge. Amidst the chaos, people utilize somatic techniques to approach healing and self-soothing. These practices delve into the intricate connection between the mind and body, offering a pathway to release tension, ease anxiety, and nurture inner peace. In this blog, we'll explore somatic techniques, how they can be practiced for self-soothing, and their effectiveness in promoting nervous system relief.

What is Somatic Healing?

Somatic healing is an integrative approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of the body and mind in processing emotions and experiences. Unlike traditional talk therapy, somatic therapy focuses on bodily sensations, movements, and postures to address underlying issues contributing to stress, anxiety, and trauma. By engaging the body's wisdom, somatic techniques facilitate the release of pent-up emotions stored within the nervous system, paving the way for profound healing and self-awareness.

5 Somatic Therapy Techniques to Try

1. Deep Breathing

Begin by finding a comfortable seated or lying position. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths, allowing your belly to expand with each inhale and contract with each exhale. Focus your awareness on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. This simple yet powerful technique activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Find a quiet space where you can lie down comfortably. Starting from your toes, tense each muscle group in your body for 5-10 seconds, then release and relax completely. Work your way up through your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, and neck, paying attention to any areas of tension. Progressive muscle relaxation helps to relieve physical tension and promotes a sense of calmness throughout the body.

3. Body Scans

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, allowing your body to settle into a relaxed state. Bring your attention to different parts of your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to your toes. Notice any sensations, tension, or discomfort without judgment, simply allowing them to be present. Body scans cultivate mindfulness and promote self-awareness, helping to dissipate stress and anxiety.

4. Grounding Techniques

Find a stable surface to sit or stand on, such as the floor or solid ground. Take a moment to notice the sensation of your feet making contact with the surface beneath you. Imagine roots extending from the soles of your feet, anchoring you to the earth below. Take slow, deep breaths as you visualize yourself grounded and supported by the earth's energy. Grounding techniques help to stabilize the nervous system and promote a sense of security and stability.

5. Gentle Movement

Engage in gentle movement practices such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong to reconnect with your body and breath. Focus on slow, deliberate movements coordinated with your breath, allowing tension to melt away with each mindful gesture. Gentle movement practices enhance body awareness, promote flexibility, and facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body, supporting nervous system relief and self-soothing.

Effectiveness of Somatic Techniques for Self-Soothing

Somatic techniques offer a holistic approach to self-soothing by addressing both the physical and emotional components of stress and anxiety. By tuning into bodily sensations and utilizing breath, movement, and mindfulness, these practices help to regulate the nervous system, promote relaxation, and cultivate a sense of inner calm. Whether it's through deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, body scans, grounding techniques, or gentle movement practices, somatic techniques effectively empower individuals experiencing PTSD-like symptoms to tap into their innate capacity for healing and self-awareness. A 2021 study suggests that engaging in these somatic techniques is effective for both traumatized and non-traumatized populations. Their effectiveness with other specific disorders and symptom sets are promising but currently being studied.

What is the Most Effective Somatic Technique?

The effectiveness of somatic techniques varies from person to person, as each individual may resonate differently with specific practices. In my experience with clients, they report that the five techniques described above are particularly helpful with stress or anxiety responses in the body. Deep breathing is a great option if you are in public as it tends to be more accessible and discreet. Progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful when you are feeling tight or clenching muscles or when you are having difficulty falling asleep. Body scans are a great way to start your day as it reinforces the mind-body connection before going about your routine. Grounding techniques seem to be most effective with clients that feel stuck in rumination and want to feel more connected to reality. If engaging in the techniques outlined above prove difficult or there is a feeling of disconnection from your body, somatic-based psychotherapy can help people reintegrate the mind-body connection.


Somatic techniques offer a practical pathway to self-soothing and nervous system relief by leveraging the body's innate wisdom. Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, body awareness, grounding, and gentle movement practices provide accessible tools for managing stress and anxiety, fostering inner peace amidst life's demands. Seeking help to reintegrate the mind-body connection can be done through working with a somatic therapist.

How to Improve Your Body Image at Any Age

Body image is a person’s perception of their own body and appearance. Body image is shaped by a variety of factors including, but not limited to, societal standards, media influence, trauma, and interpersonal relationships. Unfortunately, many people grapple with negative body image which can affect mental health and sexual satisfaction. This article will explore strategies for improving body image and its connection to sex.

What is Body Neutrality? What is Body Positivity?

Body positivity is a well-known movement that encourages people to love how they look. Body neutrality, on the other hand, emphasizes appreciating your body’s abilities over its physical characteristics while accepting your appearance as opposed to loving it. One is not universally better than the other, but appreciating your body’s abilities and accepting your appearance is often more accessible than trying to love your body for people working on their negative body image.

You can combine approaches in working on improving body image. You can redirect your mind when it starts to compare yourself to others and you can curate your social media and media consumption to be more body positive in order to incorporate body positivity. Additionally, try focusing on what your body can do for you like take you on a walk or allow you to cook a meal and exercise for the sake of making yourself feel good emotionally and/or physically, rather than to change your body’s shape in order to incorporate body neutrality.                

Tangible Ways to Improve Your Body Image

Challenge negative thought patterns

Identify and reframe distorted thoughts and beliefs about your body. For example, when you think “I hate my body,” you can reframe it by thinking “My body allows me to [insert activity here] and it deserves compassion.” Over time, awareness and reframing can reshape how you think about yourself.    

Practice mindful self-care

All bodies deserve care regardless of the negative thoughts that may emerge. Moving your body in an enjoyable way, taking a shower or bath, treating yourself to a hand massage, or any other intentional activity that associates your body with positive feelings are great ways to demonstrate love and care.

Seek professional support

Negative body image is a complicated issue and often has deep roots. Sometimes, it is simply too much to wade through alone. This is when seeking professional help is your best option. 

How Does Body Image Impact Sexual Intimacy?

Body image plays a crucial role in sexual intimacy because it influences comfort and overall satisfaction. Research suggests having a negative body image is linked to decreased sexual desire, arousal difficulties, and avoidance of sexual intimacy. Furthermore, body dissatisfaction can contribute to performance anxiety during sex which can be a distraction and inhibit pleasure. Addressing body image concerns is not only good for your well-being, but can also enhance your sex life. 

To combat body insecurity in relation to sex specifically, there are a few things you can try. First, communicate with your partner(s) about how you are feeling. You can brainstorm ways that your partner(s) can provide reassurance, support, and help you feel more at ease. Second, when thoughts about your appearance arise, try to focus on your body and the physical sensations in your body instead. Third, connect with your body through self-pleasuring to help you build comfort with your body and your sexuality.     


Body image is a complex issue that can impact various facets of life including emotional health and sexual satisfaction. Navigating body image concerns requires self-compassion and patience. By educating yourself and utilizing body appreciation, mindfulness, relational communication, and seeking professional support, you can begin your journey to improved body image. Cultivating a more positive body image is an ongoing process that is not always easy, but it is worth it. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident in your skin and know that you have the power to make peace with your body.    

Body Image Resources

How Parents Can Help Teens Navigate Social Media Safely

In the digital age, social media is a ubiquitous part of life. People of every age use social media daily for entertainment, marketing, communication, and more. While social media has many great features that make it easier to stay in touch with loved ones, access community resources, and share opinions, it can also be a precarious place. As the digital world evolves, so do the challenges presented to parents, especially when it comes to safety and cyberbullying. Since social media is virtually unavoidable, banning your teen from using it is impractical and hard to enforce. However, there are steps you can take to help teens navigate social media responsibly and safely.

Online Safety Tips

Social media safety is essential for everyone, especially teens, because their brains are still developing. Teens are particularly susceptible to seeking social rewards such as “likes” and they are still developing self-control, and are more prone to trusting strangers, which makes them more vulnerable online. Experts recommend that kids under 13 steer clear of social media entirely and teens should not have unfettered, unregulated access to social media until at least age 16. Excessive or irresponsible social media use can lead to higher levels of depression and anxiety, exposure to cyberbullying, and sleep disruption. With that in mind, here are some tips for approaching online safety with your teen and how to regulate their use of social media.  

Talk about what information is okay to share online

Basic identifying information such as your address, social security, number, age, passwords, and phone numbers should be kept private. Teens need to be careful about sharing information like this because someone could use it to find more sensitive information about them. For example, a teen sharing a photo on Instagram and tagging their high school informs followers where to find them during school hours. Make sure your teen understands how information like this may pose safety concerns.

Emphasize safety over getting in trouble

One of the most crucial parts of helping your teen stay safe online is making sure they feel comfortable talking to you openly about their experiences. If your child is afraid to speak with you about uncomfortable or unsafe online experiences because they fear getting in trouble, they are more likely to end up in risky situations. When they do come to you with an uncomfortable situation, ask about their perspective, validate their feelings, and explain the risk posed by their behavior. If needed, invite them to think about what consequence they think would be reasonable. Try focusing on making this a learning moment instead of punishing them, which might prevent them from coming to you in the future.     

Configure privacy settings together

Privacy policies are wordy and long, leading most people to unthinkingly hit “accept terms” when signing up for social media. Still, it is important to be intentional about understanding privacy settings, especially with teens. Going through the app settings together is a good way to involve your teen in the process and emphasize the importance of privacy online. 

Increase social media literacy

Understanding how to navigate social media is important for anyone, especially for teens who are more vulnerable due to their developing brains. Teens might not be able to fully grasp the risk of irresponsible social media use and are more prone to being impulsive without regard for consequences. Topics like identifying misinformation, how much social media use is too much, and steering clear of interacting with strangers are vital to teach your teen. It will not happen in a single conversation, so it is important to have several conversations that coincide with your teen’s evolving relationship with social media as they get older. 

Set boundaries around social media use

Allowing your teen to use social media does not mean they have to have unfettered, unregulated access. Collaborate with your teen to set boundaries with their social media use. Ask which guidelines make sense to them, and explain the reasoning behind any parameters you establish. Some suggested boundaries include no screens after 9 p.m., no technology in the bedroom overnight, and no ‘friending’ or interacting with people they do not know in real life.


Social media is a powerful tool with undeniable benefits and risks. The rise of social media presents new challenges for parents concerned about their children’s safety. The goal is not to restrict your teen, but to empower them to develop a healthy, safe relationship with social media. Balancing your teen’s independence and safety can be challenging, but you can find the balance by implementing the strategies in this article. You can find additional resources below to support your journey in internet safety.    

Additional Resources