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Tips for Managing Conflict in Relationships

All relationships at some point will encounter conflict. It takes work to nurture the relationship and work through conflict, but it certainly can be a daunting task. Not everyone is fortunate enough to grow up around role models of healthy relationships which can make navigating relationship conflict even more frustrating. Luckily, relationship conflict is nothing new and there are tons of ways to make it less stressful for you and your partner(s). It’s important to be able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy conflict management, to understand one’s own emotion regulation capacity, and to communicate effectively and efficiently. No two relationships are made the same so not every tactic will work for every person or dynamic, but there are general principles that have a wide range of applications. Let’s talk about some of them.


Healthy Conflict Vs. Abusive Conflict 

Healthy conflict is when...

  • Partners choose words that are respectful and don’t attack a person’s character, call them names, or raise their voice at them. 

  • All partners feel safe bringing up issues without fear of retaliation.

  • Partners practice active listening and healthy communication techniques (more on those later!). 

  • Boundaries are respected. 

  • Apologies are genuine and not predicated on excuses or invalidating the recipient’s feelings.

  • The goal is to ultimately find the underlying foundational cause of the conflict in order to address the problem at the root.

  • All people involved are in a clear, wise minded headspace coming into the argument. 

  • Partners are making requests instead of complaints. For example, instead of “you never ask me how my day was when I come home,” you might try something like “hey when my day is over I like to decompress by talking about it. Would you mind making an effort to ask me about it?”.

It may be an abusive conflict if...

  • It involves physical harm, emotional manipulation, yelling, name-calling, or personal attacks.

  • The conflict surrounds one partner attempting to overly control the other(s) such as disallowing socializing outside the relationship.

  • The conflict surrounds a partner’s jealous or possessive behavior. 

  • Conflict arises more often than not and the relationship feels like a constant uphill battle full of arguments.

  • The same issues come up repeatedly without appropriate behavioral changes being made.  


Communication Tips

  • Speak your mind in a timely manner, don’t let resentment build

  • Take time outs if needed. When one or multiple partners are in an intense emotional headspace, it’s near impossible to have a productive, effective conversation. Make time to cool down when needed but set a specific time limit for the break, whether that’s minutes, hours, or days, so that the conversation doesn’t accidentally fall by the wayside. 

  • Speak from the “I” perspective and avoid making assumptions about the offending person’s intent. For example, instead of “you don’t care about my hobbies,” you might say something like “I feel unappreciated when you neglect to listen to me talk about my hobbies.” 

  • Approach the conflict as all partner(s) versus the conflict rather than partner(s) versus partner(s). The goal is to work together to solve the problem, not to create adversity. 

  • Practice genuine, reparative apologizing. To learn more about how to do that, check out this Time Magazine article.

  • When possible, give the other party/ies the benefit of the doubt. Most people are trying their very best at any given moment. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hold them accountable or you shouldn’t have your needs met, only that you should do your best to give them grace.

  • Figure out what coping tactics work best to regulate your own emotions. Emotion regulation and interpersonal communication skills based in dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) work well for many people.

  • Try to prioritize being effective over being right. Sometimes you may need to agree to disagree instead of beating a dead horse and sowing additional discord.

If you incorporate these tips and skills into your conflict management and you still encounter significant obstacles, consider working with a systemically trained relationship therapist like our team of clinicians. Conflict arises in all healthy relationships and does not mean the relationship is doomed. The difference between healthy and abusive relationships in terms of conflict is how it is handled. The better everyone involved understands emotion regulation and conflict management, the more effective conflict management will become. All relationships are a work in progress and luckily, by definition, you don’t need to work on it alone.   

Additional Resources  

How To Be A Sex-Positive Parent

Sexuality shapes how we interface with the world: how we dress, how we speak, and how we parent. While we cannot control the world around us, we can model safety, consent, and pleasure for the young people in our lives. Being a sex-positive caregiver is more than explaining anatomy and the mechanics of reproduction. Rather, sex-positive parenting is a holistic practice that embraces sexuality as an essential aspect of self. 


There is no right time to have the “talk” because sexuality is always evolving. How you educate your child will look different at the varying stages of their development. It may be tempting to avoid talking about sexuality with your children, but that won’t set them up for success. Being a sex-positive parent means actively teaching young people about sex, bodies, healthy relationships and pleasure, instead of waiting for them to learn solely from their peers or the internet. According to the Pediatric Clinics of North America, a parent's role in sexuality education is vital and is associated with increased engagement in safer sex practices during adolescence. 


  • Start early. According to the CDC, by age 2+ your child will begin to identify certain body parts. Use scientifically accurate terminology (e.g., vulva, penis, scrotum and nipples) during everyday activities including bath time and diaper changes. By normalizing use of accurate names of body parts, your child will be better able to communicate with you if they have an injury or are experiencing any discomfort. During bath time you can discuss the importance of hygiene and demonstrate how to properly wash their genitals, while teaching them to do so on their own as they develop. 

  • Create a judgment free zone. Toddlers commonly touch their genitals, so if you see your child exploring their genitals, let them know that touching their own body can feel good and it is also something to do in the privacy of their own rooms. Oftentimes, genital exploration is more about self soothing versus sexual stimulation and this is a normal part of development. This can also be an opportunity to talk about boundaries and which parts of the home are on versus off limits for self-exploration. For example, if your child  begins touching their genitals at the dinner table, you can reiterate that they are welcome to touch themselves in their room or bathroom, but not at the dinner table. As you child develops, their curiosity around sexuality and self pleasure may increase. 

  • Safer sex. Discuss different types of sex with your adolescents such as dry humping, oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse. Explain that some forms of sexual exploration may be safer than others, and while abstinence is an option, it is most important that they are informed about their body and how to practice safer sex before doing so with a partner. Research suggests that abstinence-only education methods are ineffective in reducing teenage pregnancy and may have an inverse effect on pregnancy outcomes whereas comprehensive sexuality education better prepares young people to be informed and sexually responsible. Making condoms and dental dams easily available at home (i.e., in a bathroom drawer) and talking with teens about birth control options can help them be more prepared for practicing safer sex.

Photo by Kinkazoid


  • Educate your kiddos. Share educational videos with your child and stock their at-home library with developmentally appropriate sexuality books. According to Planned Parenthood, reading books with younger children is a great way to introduce them to the subject of sexuality. Children age 10+ may benefit from reading on their own and then checking in with you afterwards. If reading independently, ask your child what they learned and if they have any questions. Monitor your own reactions by taking a moment to breathe and collect your thoughts before answering questions. If you’re not sure how to answer a question, tell them that you have to think about their question because you value their curiosity and you’ll get back to them. 

  • Normalize conversations about bodies and sex. Having regular conversations about sexuality and pleasure demonstrates that these topics are important and normal. By beginning the dialogue early, you will be able to share developmental information slowly, at a digestible pace. Children are eager to learn and having access to developmentally appropriate information is key. For example, if your child asks you where babies come from, your answer will be different when they are pre-kindergarten compared to in fifth grade. When your child is in kindergarten, you may say babies come out of a pregnant person’s uterus. However, as they develop, your explanations will begin to become more complex. Starting around fourth grade you may introduce the concept of gestation and birth through the vaginal canal. When talking about sexuality to your eighth grader, include STI’s, pregnancy prevention, pleasure, and how one can enjoy themselves solo or with a partner(s). 


  • Media Literacy. Media literacy is a concept that is particularly useful when educating young people about body image and sexually explicit materials. By explaining that movies are made for entertainment and that real life can be very different from what they see online or on television, this helps them develop more realistic expectations. The goal here is for young people to interact with all forms of media while thinking critically about the content they are viewing. 

  • Pornography. If you find your child exploring pornography, it is important to communicate that porn is designed for adult entertainment and explain the difference between fantasy and reality. Talking about porn can be an opportunity to explore how all bodies are different and all bodies are beautiful. While you can put parental controls on your devices at home, this won’t stop a curious child from exploring pornography outside of the home. Thus, it is important to talk about the unrealistic aspects of media and how that might affect their view of sexuality and pleasure. 

  • Consent. Practicing consent with children throughout the life course promotes safety, respect, boundaries and builds healthy relationships. Encourage young people to ask before engaging in physical affection (e.g., hugs) and say so if they do not want physical affection from a family member. Model consent in conversation by asking children for permission before touching them. Tickling is another opportunity to demonstrate consent. Ask for permission before beginning, and listen to your child when they want you to stop during tickling sessions. When being affectionate with your partner(s) in front of your child, ask your partner(s) for a kiss or a hug and then proceed only after your partner clearly expresses a yes. This helps reinforce consent and bodily autonomy. 

  • Boundaries. Kids mirror and absorb so much information through nonverbal and verbal communication, including through your relationship with other adults. Having healthy boundaries benefits children throughout their lives, especially when it comes to sexuality. By teaching and modeling how to create and communicate boundaries, your child will be better able to advocate for themselves in relationships with others.

The benefits to being a sex-positive caregiver will outweigh any discomfort that may initially come up for you. Taking an active role in children’s sexuality education is crucial to their wellbeing. If you're still feeling hesitant about discussing sexuality with your child, consider our online parenting program, Building Ease Talking About the Birds and the Bees®, or sex ed parent coaching.

How to Support Your Child When They Come Out 

Parents want the best for their children. Parents also do not always have the right answer. That’s okay! That’s where we come in. If you aren’t sure what to do if or when your child comes out to you, this article is a good starting point. The most important thing you can do is validate your child’s experience and make sure they know you love them no matter how they identify. 


  • Thank them for trusting you with this vulnerable information (e.g., their feelings, disclosure, identity, etc.) 

  • Listen to understand, not to respond 

  • Ask how you can best support them. They may not know immediately, but it’s important that they know you want to support them and are open for feedback

  • Read up more about the identity they have shared with you. Organizations like Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) are a great resource

  • Make sure they know that you love them and that your love is not conditional

  • Ask for help! If you leave a coming out conversation with your child feeling like your head is spinning, try to find a support resource that will work for you. Maybe that looks like attending a PFLAG meeting, reaching out to a sexuality educator or family therapist who specializes in working with LGTBQ+ individuals, or cruising vetted online forums. There are tons of resources for people just like you; you’re not alone! *There is a contingency with whom you can ask for help. See below for elaboration.  


  • Avoid saying,“I knew it!” or any variation thereof, even if you did have a hunch. This is a vulnerable moment for your child and they probably had to work up immense courage to tell you. If you say you already knew, it deflates the emotional labor they put in to be able to tell you. 

  • Do not say, “you’re too young to know!”. First of all, youth do know what their truth is right now and they have just told it to you. It does no one any good for you to try to dispute their feelings because feelings can’t be wrong. Children generally know their gender identity by age 5 and sexual orientation in later childhood/early teen hood. Please note, however, that these are not hard and fast “deadlines,” but touch-points-of-guidance. Maybe down the line they’ll identify differently and that’s normal, because sexuality is fluid. Either way, all you accomplish by saying this is invalidating them and making them lose trust in you. 

  • If you have some internalized shame or beliefs that’s fine, almost everyone does. It’s how we’ve been societally conditioned. That being said, it is your issue to work through, not your child’s. Do not put those feelings on them. Avoid burdening your child with your own discomfort around non-straight orientations or non-cisgender gender identities. 

  • Never pressure them to share more or to tell you anything they aren’t comfortable talking about. Let them come to you when they’re ready.

    *Definitely avoid telling anyone else before your child discloses to them or gives you explicit permission. Anyone else can include your partner(s), sibling(s), best friend,... it means no one. This is your child’s information to share and theirs alone. 

When a child is coming out to you, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or unsure exactly what to say. It makes sense if you want to do the best for your child and feel insecure at the same time. Don’t make this out to be more than it is; that will only make you and your child uncomfortable and/or more anxious. At the end of the day, let them do the talking, respond with love and validation, and the rest will follow. The only thing left to do is for you to stock up on rainbow clothing!